When You Don’t Mean To Be An Overachiever BUT…

You may have noticed my withdrawal from social media, my blog, and in my real life. Grab a cup of something and snuggle into your favorite chair and let's catch up...January 2020My husband traveled for a business trip. His return flight took him through multiple international airports for 24 hours. Ten days later, a virus …

“Planning” My Life

I have always been a list maker. It is how I function effectively. I have notebooks, post-it notes and pads of paper in spades. It is a small "obsession" of mine. I have spent the past 5 years working my way through planners (attempting to find the elusive "planner peace") to try to organize and …

Why I Walked Away From MLMs

****I have done my best to make this blog post as non-specific in regards to which essential oil company I was affiliated with as possible. I will not name the essential oil company nor any persons I dealt with during this time.**** I still remember the day that I signed up to be a part of let's …