Challenge Excepted

Last week I saw my pulmonologist for my 6-month follow-up. Interestingly enough, he is the ONLY specialist/doctor that has asked me how I lost 64 pounds in a year. What was I eating, doing, taking, etc to lose the weight? He was the only one until today.

This morning, I saw my rheumatologist. I walked into his office not expecting anything. I honestly was questioning why I was even going to the appointment. Every appointment I have had in the last 8 months (with ALL my specialists) has been more tests and not much else. I leave feeling more frustrated, embarrassed, with a new lab for more urine/bloodwork, and another medication added. No answers though. My last appointment with my rheumatologist left me with a John Hopkins referral and then a full-body ultrasound. My test results were given to me by someone else in his office that left me scratching my head and going WTF??? I was told my ultrasound was normal and abnormal, the doctor will see me in March and to have a great rest of my day. I heard nothing else.

Today, I waited 45 minutes past my appointment time to see my rheumatologist. While others were extremely irritated and inconvenienced by this, I was like whatever, it happens. This doctor actually takes his time and listens to his patients. He is absolutely worth the wait.

When he came into the room, he had some questions for me. The first one was in reference to my weight loss and my A1C numbers. He was concerned at first until he heard everything I have been doing. Just like the pulmonologist, he told me he was impressed and to continue doing what I am doing.

Then, he talked to me about my John Hopkin’s appointment. We went over all the bloodwork that was ordered and the results of the full-body ultrasound. He did something I was not expecting. He actually gave me an official diagnosis (rather diagnoses).

Severe Fibromyalgia, Connective Tissue Disease, and early Lupus. I was so happy when I left his office. Not because I wanted to be diagnosed with these things. No one does. But because he saw me, because he acknowledged what was happening to me and because now I know why everything is happening to my body. We agreed to start me on a new medication. I go back in 3 months to see how I am doing on it.

Now, it is my turn. Anyone that truly knows me, knows that I thrive when I am told it will only get worse from here. There is no cure or way to stop the progression.

Challenge excepted…

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